Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement

TaiHan believes that the tasks of advancing in promoting corporate social responsibility only can be done by understanding and deepening communication with our stakeholders. Therefore, the Sustainable Development Committee conducts stakeholder dialogues annually through questionnaires and various communication channels, collecting issues of concern from stakeholders to identify actual, potential, positive, and negative impacts. In addition, the Company reviews the communication frequency and effectiveness of relevant channels, and reports the stakeholder dialogue outcomes to the Board of Directors. (Tai-Han Technology respects opinions from all parties, has translated the questionnaires into the local languages of overseas plants, and all responses are kept confidential.)

Stakeholders and objectives
of dialogue
Topics of concernsCommunication channelsDialogue outcomes 2023
TaiHan is committed to establishing
long-term partnerships with
customers and providing products
and services that meet customer
needs and thereby enhancing
customer satisfaction.
1. Workplace Health
and safety
2. Raw material usage
3. Risk management
4. Human rights
assessment and labor
customer satisfaction survey
Monthly quality delivery
review meeting
Product Project Discussion
customer visit*

Customer satisfaction survey 2023
result: Overall average satisfaction
score of 93.3 points
Every shareholder and investor are
TaiHan’s crucial supporter. Therefore,
balancing sustainability with
continuous profitability keeps to be
a long-term goal of the Company
all the time.
1. Ethics and integrity
2. Information security
3. Operational performance
4. Legal compliance
Shareholders’ Meeting
annual report
Sustainability Report
financial report
communicate via telephone
or email
Institutional investors'
Official website
press release
Market Observation
Post System(MOPS)

1. The company's spokesperson
should answer shareholders' visits or
telephone interviews to explain
2. The board of directors and the
audit committee are convened
quarterly in accordance with the
law to regularly review operating
results and risks
3. An annual shareholders' meeting
is held to present the Company's
business results and future
4. Forty-one major announcements
and disclosures were published on
the MOPS
5. The EPS 2023 was 1.39.
TaiHan maintains good
communication with suppliers to
reduce potential material shortages
and sustainability risks, providing
the best products for customers.
1. Workplace Health
and Safety
2. Operational Performance
3. Risk Management
4. Raw Material Usage
Supplier Assessment
On-site audit of suppliers
communicate with suppliers
via telephone or email

The sustainability assessment
questionnaire for TaiHan suppliers
revealed no significant risks.
Company employees
Excellent employees are key to our
continuous growth. TaiHan is
dedicated to providing a safe and
comfortable work environment to
enhance employee satisfaction.
1. Information security
2. Workplace Health
and Safety
3.Community engagement
4. Energy management
Employee Welfare Committee
Complaint line
employee interview
satisfaction survey

1. No complaints regarding violations
of laws and regulations.
2. In 2023, the Welfare Committee
will provide more than 10 pieces of
internal information about
employee welfare, and actively
improve employee welfare.
3. The overall employee satisfaction
score survey 2023 was 76.2 points.
Government agencies
Government agencies are the
foundation of corporate
development. TaiHan actively
complies with various policies to
enhance internal corporate
governance capabilities.
1. Community Engagement
2. Information Security
3. Raw Material Usage
4. Workplace Health
and Safety
Official documents
Policy advocacy
participation in seminars and
Material information

1. The Company primarily addresses
the operations center, audit office,
finance and accounting management
department, and administrative
management department to handle
communications with government
2. In 2023, TaiHan was ranked in the
top 6%-20% of listed companies in
corporate governance assessment.
local community
Community residents are
stakeholders in TaiHan
sustainability issues. We
continue to listen and feedback
to the community to reduce the
Company's impact on the community.
1. Information Security
2. Raw Material Usage
3. Community Engagement
4. Labor Relations
Official website
Participation in public welfare activities*
community visit
Report mailbox

1. No reports were received from the
community in 2023
2. Irregular visits to community and
neighborhood chiefs.
3. Regular community care and public
welfare activities are held at each plant.
Note 1: Channels marked with “*” indicate that board members participate in stakeholder dialogue in these instances.
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