Environmental Sustainability

Greenhouse gas management

Greenhouse gases are the main cause of global climate anomalies, in order to slow down the damage to the environment and respond to the expectations of stakeholders. Starting from 2022, Taihan Technology will independently conduct greenhouse gas inventories. To grasp the basis for greenhouse gas emissions and reduction. Although it is not subject to regulatory controls at this stage and requires inventory and reduction controls, it is voluntary to conduct inventory of greenhouse gas emissions. (The Vietnam factory has completed ISO 14064-1 verification for the first time in 2023)

YearScope 1 (tonCO2e)Scope 2 (tonCO2e)GHG emission intensity

Energy management

In 2023, Taihan Technology’s electricity use was all non-renewable energy, using a total of 22,447.31 kwh of electricity. The overall electricity consumption intensity was 34.88 GJ/million output value. The overall electricity consumption decreased by approximately 6,800 GJ compared with 2022, which is converted to 950 tons of CO2e .It shows that investment in energy-saving equipment in recent years has been quite effective.Taihan Technology is still committed to saving energy. Specific measures include replacing high-energy-consuming lamps, machinery and air-conditioning systems. At the same time, we also actively promote policies and methods to save electricity to our colleagues.

Factory AreaTaiwan AreaVietnam FactoryDongguan FactoryPhilippines FactoryTotal Amount
Electricity intensityN/A34.0347.3831.1134.88
Note 1: Electricity consumption intensity = electricity consumption (GJ)/million revenue

Energy saving effect

Taihan Technology attaches great importance to the efficiency of electricity consumption in production. In addition to planning power-saving plans every year, it also regularly tracks relevant data. Specific energy-saving measures include replacing high-energy-consuming lamps, machinery, and air-conditioning systems. At the same time, we also actively promote power-saving policies and publicity instructions. If you leave the office for a long time, please turn off the power of office equipment (computer host, screen, light or other electrical equipment, etc.) to implement the concept of environmental protection, energy saving and carbon reduction. , Reduce unnecessary energy waste. A total of 59,012.05 kWh of electricity will be saved in 2023. The detailed energy saving results are shown in the table below.

Power saving measuresEnvironmental protection
expenditure (NTD)
Power saving (kWh)Converted electricity bill
savings of approx.(NTD)
Replace 54 LED tubes/bulbs13,39029,889.6061,572
Replace two canteen air conditioners58,89329,122.4573,039

Water resource management

Taihan Technology Headquarters only has water for people’s livelihood, and all wastewater is discharged to legal sanitary sewers for wastewater treatment, which will not pose a threat to the ecology of the river basin or natural water bodies. At the same time, the water consumption is relatively small to the total local water intake, and will not cause pressure on local water use. 

YearWater Consumption(m³)GHG Emission(tonCO2e)

Waste Substance Management

In order to reduce the impact of waste generated by Taihan Technology’s production and operations on the environment, all waste generated by the company will be classified, and reusable resources will be given priority to be put into the recycling cycle of the factory. General business waste and Hazardous industrial waste is entrusted to local qualified removal companies for classification and burial or incineration. Taihan Technology adheres to the concept of environmental sustainability and advocates various waste reduction measures and policies to reduce the waste generated by employees’ daily operations and increase the proportion of waste recycling and reuse in the factory. The waste in the Taiwan headquarters office is shared with employees in the rented building, making it difficult to distinguish, and the waste generated is only a small amount of waste generated by employees’ daily operations, so its data is excluded and not included in the statistics.

Vietnam FactoryDongguan FactoryPhilippines FactoryTotal
2022General industrial waste153.487,173241.547,568.03
Hazardous industrial waste6.270.605.8312.70
2023General industrial waste283.7916.34212.94513.07
Hazardous industrial waste4.490.555.8314.97

Environmental Sustainability Goals

Taihan Technology officially promoted sustainable management to all factories in 2022, and use this as a benchmark to set subsequent reduction targets. The short-term goal of reducing water intake and electricity consumption in the entire factory is 1% per year. And set long-term goals of reducing electricity consumption by 8% and water withdrawal by 8% by 2030 compared with 2022. At the same time, we continue to strengthen the classification and reduction of waste in the factory to reduce the company’s environmental pollution. In 2023, old lamps have been replaced, reducing a total of 29,899.6 kwh of electricity. Taihan Technology’s subsequent strategies to respond to climate change and greenhouse gas management include: switching factory street lights to solar street lights, planning to purchase renewable energy certificates, and gradually replacing old and high-energy-consuming machines, etc., and actively cooperate with end customers to reduce energy consumption. Carbon policies include continuous carbon reduction through the use of materials.

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